Rabbi Wasserman spent his first Shabbos in Crown Heights on Chol Hamoed Sukkos 1970 at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Goldman. He was a College graduate and was seeking spirituality. He was a vegetarian at the time and Mrs. Goldman recalls how she prepared special vegetarian food for him. He attended his first Farbrengen with the Rebbe and was totally inspired. He felt that he had come home. He was searching for a leader, a community and a purpose in life and he finally found it all in 770 Eastern Pkwy. Then and there, he decided that he wished to join the Chabad Community and study to become a Rabbi. Although he was offered a full scholarship to a University graduate program, he registered at Hadar Hatorah.

He went into Yechidus with the Rebbe in Shevat for his Birthday. He told the Rebbe, that he was thinking of going to study at a non-Chabad Yeshivah. The Rebbe’s response was,"Each person should find his own way." He stayed at another Yeshivah for three months and returned to Hadar Hatorah. He realized that although the learning was very structured, the study of Chassidus teaches us how to apply the lessons to our daily lives. He finished the year in Hadar Hatorah and spent the summer at Camp Shaloh in the Catskills. There were times that Rabbi Jacobson a'h, the dean would remind him to take a break from learning in order to eat.