But in the Chabad world, he was known for the niggun that he performed most often for the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson especially during the festival of Sukkot.
"It is very interesting that he passed away during Succos, which was one of the dedicated times when R' Moishe would daven for the Rebbe,” Rabbi Yosef Katzman wrote on the CrownHeights.info website upon hearing the news. “He had three special days every year that he would daven for the Rebbe, who would always give him a special Yashar Koach after davening; one was on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Succos... he put his whole heart and soul into this special tefila (prayer) that he would daven...” Teleshevsky's funeral is scheduled for Thursday morning EDT in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, home to Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters at "770" Eastern Parkway.playing piano while his father, also a professional canot, sang. By the age of 11, Teleshevsky made his professional debut before a standing room-only audience. A student of Europe's Professor Santina, he graduated from the Gilden School of Sacred Music, and was the outstanding student of Professor S.S. Horowitz of the Milan Opera.
But in the Chabad world, he was known for the niggun that he performed most often for the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson especially during the festival of Sukkot.
"It is very interesting that he passed away during Succos, which was one of the dedicated times when R' Moishe would daven for the Rebbe,” Rabbi Yosef Katzman wrote on the CrownHeights.info website upon hearing the news. “He had three special days every year that he would daven for the Rebbe, who would always give him a special Yashar Koach after davening; one was on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Succos... he put his whole heart and soul into this special tefila (prayer) that he would daven...”
Teleshevsky's funeral is scheduled for Thursday morning EDT in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, home to Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters at "770" Eastern Parkway.