Today, thousands of Shluchim will arrive in Crown Heights to participate in the annual Kinus Hashluchim, Davening and Farbrenging, inspiring and getting inspired, learning about fundraising and discovering the secrets of success on Shlichus. Over the next few days the Shluchim will be put on a pedestal with onlookers admiring their success and achievements and youngsters striving to be like them.
One of those Shluchim was spotted last night in 770, reciting a revised version of "Al Cheit" before Krias Sh'ma She'al Hamittah (Free Translation):
אתה יודע You know the mysteries of the universe, and the secrets of all living things. Nothing is concealed from You, nor is anything hidden from your eyes. Therefore, may it Your will - O G-d our G-d, and G-d of our fathers - to have mercy on us, and to pardon us for all our sins, and to grant us atonement for all our wrongs, and to pardon and to forgive us for all our transgressions.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by not eating and drinking on Erev Yom Kipur as-if for two days, and we blessed the children only late at night after Ma'ariv, because the day is short, the work is great and the workers are lazy.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by eating a K'zayis of Challah for Seudah Mafsekes and recitingBentching while running to Shul to open up for an older couple who came early to get a good seat.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by fulfilling the Mitzvah of Seudas Purim on a stale Pita three minutes before Shkiah in a gas station on the Interstate, and Ad D'loh Yada was pushed off to Simchas Torah.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by lighting Chanukah candles at 2:00am, becuase that's when our Mitzvah Tank finished distributing all the Menorahs and doughnuts in Manhattan.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by despising our parents and in-laws who cannot understand why we cannot hire a pair of Bochurim to run the public Seder, and we should bring the Einiklach for Seder Night at Bubby & Zaidy.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by eating the Afikoman long after midnight.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by beginning our personal Seder at 1:00am, after saying goodbye to the last participant of the Public Seder.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by blessing on a Calabria Esrog which turned from green to yellow, and then to blue after the neighbor decided to smell our Esrog on Erev Sukkos after receiving a fresh manicure.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by having our children sing old Zionistic songs during every Hakafah.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by not stopping our Mendele from taking a bite out of a Pas AkumParve cookie which was given to him by a well-meaning shul-goer.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by carrying the bag of snacks for Mesibas Shabbos through the street, relying on the Eiruv.
ועל חטא And for the sin we commtted in Your presence by eating Shalosh Seudos...
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by praying Shacharis with Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin and putting on Rashi's Tefillin only after Davenning, because the Holocaust survivor who came to say Kaddish - forgot his pair at home.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by saying the Kaddish after U'va L'tzion without a Minyan, because the two runners we schlepped in for the Minyan got bored after K'dusha.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by going to Mikvah after Shacharis, because our congregants wanted to Daven at Neitz.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by starting a Daf-Yomi Shiur, because that's the only thing that would get the two Frum lawyers to join our Minyan.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by talking after Baruch She'amar, when the man who was running to the park was not able to understand the weird Rabbi standing with a Tallis, making hand motions and weird noises.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by spending the whole P'sukei D'Zimrah texting the neighbors to see who can come and be the tenth man for Borchu.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by not waiting for six at Borchu, because the elderly neighbor mentioned that one more delay in Davenning and he will go back to his conservative Temple.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by davening the quiet Amidah from a Tehillas Hashem, and the Chazoras Hashatz from an Artscroll, Birnbaum, Ish Matzliach and Nusach Ha'Gra.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by creating new Tropp every week for Kriah, while guessing the Nekudos.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by reading the Torah from a distance so not find the problems in the Historic Sefer Torah preserved in the Kibbutz Shul.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by reading the Daily Halacha from the Shmiras Halashon book.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence unknowingly, by relying on various Heterim and Kullahs we read on ShluchimExchange.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence by promising in vain when we promised to return the loan after one week, and three months have passed.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence through envy, by intimidating, threatening and bad-mouthing a Lubavitcher businessman who moved to a nearby neighborhood and made a Shiur Tanya, even though we never stepped foot into that area of town.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence through bribery, by congratulating the Gvir on his phenomenal Dvar Torah when all he said was a collection of Shtusim.
ועל חטא And for the sin we committed in Your presence by forgetting what Tishrei with the Rebbe looks like.
על חטא For the sin we committed in Your presence with our speech, by talking after Kiras Hatorah about the recent move of the Nets to Brooklyn and the win of the SF Giants, but not having enough time to explain the connection to this week's Parsha.
ועל חטאים And for all the sins we committed in Your presence by presumption and error, intentionally and unintentionally, openly and secretly.
ועל כולם And for all these, O G-d of forgiveness, please forgive us, pardon us and grant us atonement, despite the fact that during the upcoming year we will probably repeat the same mistakes.